Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Halloween Nail Art

It is almost Halloween, and since I do not get free candy anymore it is difficult for me to get into the Halloween spirit. Therefore, I painted my nails to get that spooky Halloween feel. Here are the steps to achieve this spiderweb nail art:
1. Apply scotch tape to the nail, leaving the tips uncovered by the tape. (I put my tips at a diagonal, however do what you like best)
2. Use white nail polish (here I used Snow White by Sinful Colors), and paint the tips white. Let the nail polish dry, then take the tape off your nails.
3. Paint semi-vertical lines to make the base of the spiderweb. I found it easiest to use a small paintbrush. However, you can use a tooth pick, bobby pin, or nail art pen.
4. Connect the lines by small U shaped lines.
5. Apply a top coat.

The end will look something like the photograph above. I apologize, I took this photograph after a day of midterms, therefore some of the design is chewed/chipped off slightly.

Here is some more Halloween inspired nail art:
Sources: Spider WebsGreen DripMarble Halloween

About Me and This Blog

My name is Julie. I am a sophomore at Indiana University majoring in Computer Science. Why write about fashion and other things then you say? Well, here is the deal, I love fashion. Ever since my mom allowed me to start dressing myself (which was not until about 7th grade), I have been experimenting with style. I have always been creative, and I love the way you can express creativity through fashion. Also, doesn't it feel so good when someone complements you on how you look. Frankly, a compliment can make my day. I hope not only to make this blog about fashion, but about nails, makeup, hair, food, places, crafts, etc. If that disappoints you do not worry, there will be fashion, and much of it. However, I have so many interests I would love to share. Hope you all enjoy!